Dear Shiva,
O Divine Masculine
I love you
And your desire to open me
I truly want to receive your gift
Your divine penetration
But I ask for one thing:
In order for my Shakti to come and play with you
For my magical Yin energy to dance with you
I ask first for your presence
Please hold me
Hold me in your presence
Hold me in your arms
Hold me with your body
And wait..
Drop all the goals
Drop the need to do anything
And wait..
Simply observe and be
For I will, on my own time,
Begin to awaken
Once I feel the steadiness
The unwavering quality of your being
I will feel safe
I will begin to emerge from my deep hiding place
And begin to dance for you
O beloved Shiva, I promise you have never seen a dance so sweet!
I will open to you
O beloved Shiva, you have never seen an opening so beautiful!
I will draw you in
O Shiva you have never felt an invitation so divine!
Then, and only then, my beloved,
I invite your penetration
Your divine instinct
To make love to me
Let your Shiva dance with my Shakti
Watch our divine dance
And merge into the bliss
Of such complete wholeness
This is my invitation to you.
Your beloved,
– Shakti